Monday 25 December 2006

Dry County

I was listening to Dry County today, good ol' Jon sang "man spent his whole life waitin', prayin', for some big reward". What really caught me was the word prayer. I don't know about everyone else, but mine is a rather religious family, God is credited with every success that we achieve, and is the sole "cure-all" for any given situation. Back to dry county, it seems now that for any wish of ours we merely turn to God and assume that the "reward" shall be granted. But, I beg to differ from this opinion, regardless of how irrational or unfathomable my thoughts may seem.

Studying science, and Biology in particular, gives you an outlook into aspects of life you never knew about. Everyday we learn something new, I'm more than fascinated at the wonders of this life. Quite recently, we came across the topic of the origin of life. We were born out of a boiling primordial soup; with a few strokes of luck(I suppose), the appropriate chemical reactions occurred...and Lo behold...primitive life was born. And from this minute "life-form" many larger organisms such as ourselves have risen.

All of us, distinguished scientists, students, heck...even George Bush might know about this theory, but yet we persist with our conceptions of the "Creator", a supreme being who just popped in out of nowhere, and gave rise to us all. Rashness, of the statement aside, I find it rather irrational to even think that we could have come to this earth from nowhere as mentioned in various religious scribes.

I'd rather think of God this way; God is our control, regulator, moderator, and governing factor. After emerging from this soup, we gradually learnt to be civilized, hence the ascension of modern man with his emotions, abstractions, and other traits. Two such traits were unruliness and fear. A primitive man would indefinitely resort to an unruly means to an end if that must be the means to his survival for that day. Hence, the need came about to keep this unruliness in check, and the concept of a God came about, an all-knowing spiritual being to whom we were answerable for all our action, and one who with enough coaxing would heap down the earths many good gifts. Primitive man feared that if he couldn't satisfy God, he would be overcome by the many savageries that the earth bore, and complied to what he believed were God's bidding's; all that was good.

From there on, this idea progressed now we all have temples, churches, mosques where we all go to call upon this spiritual being and beg forgiveness for our wrongs, and in an inadvertent act of greed; ask for only good to come upon us. Yet, it might also be quite obvious to many, that success doesn't merely arise from an answered prayer, more often than not, it is the fruit of our hard work. Now, I'm not questioning religion or the mere existence of God, I think its more appropriate that we have our own perception of God, to which we are bound.

Remember what we used to hear all the time when we were younger? God lies within everyone of us. Hence God might also be an extension of your inner self, bearing in mind whatever morals you have learnt in however short your life may have been, you can look upon this inner self of yours, to asses your actions. Where apologies are in order you must oblige, where thanks is in order the same applies. When in need of something, calling on the God, is merely a call to oneself to muster the will power and sense of mind to carry out the task at hand.

Then the question of child being able to assess himself comes across, and yes that is rather impossible. Now our God takes on yet another form, that of our parents, notice the similarity; God - governor of all the world, parents - the governors of our entire world(life).

What I've been talking about is my view of God, taking on many physical forms, and is truly active and existent in our lives instead of being someone who we hope will come to our aid. I'd rather see my God in this light, as compared to the view of many fanatics who believe that God can perform any desired feat at the drop of a hat, and brave all obstacles travelling to a far away place to communicate with a God that actually lies within.

But, please note, that these are merely my own views and are not binding in any way to any object or belief, let alone atheism.


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